College of Education

The College of Education (COE) holds to a comprehensive mission that includes the work of teaching, research and service to the public and to the professions. The COE is committed to developing first-rate teachers, school practitioners, and administrative leaders for the schools of the state and the nation, well-informed practitioners in the fields of sport and exercise science and accomplished researchers for the nation’s colleges and universities. The College also strives to advance consequential research that offers insight to the public, the professions and various academic communities. Finally, the COE aims to involve itself in matters that positively impact the public, especially as they relate to schools, families, health practices and general community life.

Degrees and Programs Offered

The College of Education offers undergraduate programs leading to the Bachelor of Science in Education. A Bachelor of Science in Educational Neuroscience and a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology are also offered. The Kinesiology, BS has two concentration options: Physical Education or Exercise Science. (The concentration in Exercise Science does not lead to teacher certification.)

The College of Education offers the following teacher education programs [NOTE: P refers to "pre-school" (any level prior to kindergarten) and K to "kindergarten"]:

  • Elementary education (K-6) and early childhood (P-3)
  • Music education (P-12), instrumental or choral music
  • Physical Education (P-12)
  • Secondary education (6-12), with majors in English language arts, mathematics, general science, general social science, and the following foreign languages (6-12 or P-12): French, German, Latin, or Spanish
  • Special education, with K-6 and K-12 certification in collaborative education; early childhood special education (P-3) and early childhood (P-3); and multiple abilities program with certification in four areas: elementary (K-6), collaborative (K-6), early childhood (P-3), and early childhood special education (P-3).

A minor in Educational Policy and Reform is offered by the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies.

The College of Education, in conjunction with the Honors College, offers a minor in Educational Studies

General Degree Requirements 

Bachelor's degree programs in the College of Education require the completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours in prescribed courses, as set forth in this catalog (most programs require the completion of more than 120 hours). Graduates will also have met the prescribed minimum standards of scholarship.

A minimum of 32 semester hours, including nine of the last 18 hours required for a degree, must be earned in residence at The University of Alabama as an enrolled student in the College of Education.

If a student does not complete requirements for the undergraduate degree within a period of seven years from the date of admission, the College of Education will modify the student's program to bring it into compliance with current degree and certification requirements. In addition, a student in a teacher education program must complete that program's requirements within four years from the date of formal admission to the program, or he or she must reapply for admission.

Upon re-entering, any student with a break in his or her enrollment at The University of Alabama (fall or spring semesters) will be placed in the program required of newly admitted students. Exceptions may be made by personnel in the Office of Student Services and Certification.

Because of the number of educational options available to students in the College, sample programs of study for all education majors cannot be provided here. Instead, detailed program outlines are available from academic advisers in the various program offices. In general, students take 100-level courses during the first year of college, 200-level courses during the second year and 300- and 400-level courses during the third and fourth years.

Each undergraduate program contains a group of courses classified as general studies. These courses must be taken in the proper prescribed sequence during the freshman and sophomore years, until they are completed. Required studies in English are part of the general studies requirement; a student must enroll each semester in the prescribed composition and literature courses until the English requirement is completed.

Upper and Lower Divisions

Students enrolling in a teacher education program (a program leading to Alabama Class B certification) enter the upper division of the College of Education at the time of their admission to a Teacher Education Program (TEP).

Changes in Certification Requirements

The programs listed in this catalog that lead to Alabama Class B professional educator certification for service in the public schools may be altered to meet certification standards adopted by the Alabama State Board of Education. The Undergraduate Catalog is published annually; however, requirements for State-approved programs are subject to change between publications. Current students, as well as prospective students, should check with the specific program for the most up-to-date information.

Retention in the College of Education

To continue to be eligible for enrollment in the upper division of the College of Education, a student must successfully complete any remaining courses in the teaching field(s) or major, and, for certification programs, the professional education courses, including successful clinical placements. UA and overall GPAs of 2.50 are required. The GPA in the teaching field — and, if transfer work, the overall GPA — must remain at least 2.50. In professional education courses, the GPA must be at least 2.50, with no grade lower than C-. For students in non-certification programs, required minimum GPAs vary from program to program. All students should be aware of and monitor their GPAs and should project when they will be able to enroll in required courses. All students are expected to become familiar with the regulations discussed in Academic Records and General Academic Policies section of this catalog.


Individuals who apply to the Alabama Department of Education for initial Alabama professional educator certificates or alternative certificates must meet the requirements of the Alabama Educator Certification Assessment Program (AECAP) as a precondition for certification. The AECAP consists of Praxis subject assessments, Foundations of Reading 190 (if applicable), and edTPA. Information regarding test dates, test codes and testing sites may be obtained from the Praxis website and from the Alabama Foundations of Reading website (if applicable). Information is also available through the College of Education's Office of Student Services in 104 Carmichael Hall.

Each student in a certification program must also show proof of mastery of all Alabama Core Teaching Standards, Professional Standards and Content Standards prior to program completion. In addition, College Dispositions, student portfolio, and other required assessments will be evaluated throughout.

In addition, edTPA (a performance based assessment) is required prior to program completion and graduation.

Clinical Field Experiences and Internships

An instrumental aspect of preparing future teachers is to afford candidates with a gradual release of classroom responsibilities. Our initial teacher education programs provide candidates with substantial field experiences prior to internship spanning the program grade levels in which certification is sought. Field experiences and internship placements for each candidate are systematically tracked ensuring state requirements are met, which include diverse school settings with diverse student populations. To accommodate this, candidates can expect to be placed up to 50 miles from campus.                   

All Class B programs require extensive field experiences in diverse settings. The majority of upper-division education courses require clinical placements in the schools. The majority of field experiences must occur in P-12 schools, with significant experiences in the candidate's teaching field. For Early Childhood Special Education and Early Childhood programs, field experiences shall include placements in at least two of the three main types of early education settings: P-3 classrooms, child care centers and homes, and Office of School Readiness programs. On-campus practicum experiences may include the Children's Program, the Rural Infant Stimulation Environment (RISE) Program, and Early Intervention at The University of Alabama (EI@UA). These programs provide opportunities for students to work with infants, toddlers, pre-K children, and their families.

All clinical placements in the College of Education are coordinated through the Office of Clinical Experiences. These placements are in the greater Tuscaloosa area in order to facilitate supervision of students.

Professional Liability

Students enrolled in College of Education courses that require a clinical placement should have professional liability insurance. Professional liability insurance may be purchased through an independent insurer or is available to students who are members of the Student Alabama Education Association (SAEA).

Required General Studies

These required general studies courses include most University of Alabama Core Curriculum requirements; however, the core curriculum writing requirement (the W courses) is not satisfied by these hours of general studies courses.

NOTE: Courses listed below reflect general options, but not all teaching fields are enhanced by every option, and some require additional coursework. Additional courses approved by the state of Alabama Articulation and General Studies Committee could be appropriate under the terms of the Statewide Articulation Reporting System (STARS). To avoid taking extra courses, each student should select, whenever possible, general studies courses that may be utilized in his or her teaching field or major. Please refer to notes below and to the specific teaching field(s) for more precise requirements.

I. Written Composition Requirement Hours
EN 101
EN 102 or
English Composition I
and English Composition II
EN 103 Advanced English Composition
Total Hours3-6
II. Humanities and Fine Arts Requirements Hours
Literature courses (at least 3 hours): 13
English Literature I
English Literature II
World Literature I
World Literature II
American Literature
American Literature II
Honors English Literature I
Honors English Literature II
Honors American Literature
Honors American Literature II
African American Literature I
African American Literature II
Honors African American Literature I
Honors African American Literature II
Fine Arts courses (at least 3 hours):3
Intro to Visual Arts
Survey of Art I
Survey Of Art II
Survey Of Art III
Introductn To Fine Arts
Motion Picture History and Criticism
Intro To Listening
Honors Introduction to Listening
Music In World Cultures
Intro To The Theatre
Humanities courses (At least 3 hours of public speaking is required.): 23
Public Speaking
Honors Public Speaking
Oral Interpretn Literatr
Introduction to American Pop Culture
America and the World
Southern Studies
Honors Introduction to Southern Studies
Introduction to Western American Studies
Dirty Jobs
Contemporary America
Greek Roman Mythology
Motion Picture History and Criticism
Intro To Philosophy
Critical Thinking
Intro To Religious Studies
Intro to Religions of the World
Intro To The Old Testament
Intro To New Testament
Intro To Women Studies
Introduction to Global & Cultural Perspectives
Introduction to Global and Cultural Perspectives: Exp Lrng
Additional Course from Area II, if needed3
Total Hours12
III-A. Natural Sciences Requirement Hours
Select 8 hours of the following:8
Intro To Astronomy
and Intro Astronomy Lab
Intro Biology Non Maj I
Intro Biology Non Maj II
Principles Of Biology I
and Laboratory Biology I
Principles Biology II
and Laboratory Biology II
General Chemistry I - Plus
General Chemistry
General Chemistry
Introductory Chemistry
Introductory Org Chem
The Dynamic Earth
The Earth Through Time
Hazardous Earth
Sustainable Earth
Atmospheric Proc & Patterns
Earth Surface Processes
General Physics I

Students in elementary education, the Multiple Abilities Program, and special education must complete four additional semester hours from N courses.

III-B. Mathematics Requirement Hours
Select one of the following:3-4
Finite Mathematics
Precalculus Algebra
Precalculus Trigonometry
Precalc Algebra & Trig
Calculus & Applications
Calculus I
Calculus II
Total Hours3-4

Students in elementary education (K-6), the Multiple Abilities Program, and special education are required to complete additional work in mathematics. See notes under these teaching fields. Students preparing to teach general science, biology, chemistry and physics need to meet specific MATH requirements. See notes under the various teaching fields.

IV. History and Social and Behavioral Sciences Requirement Hours
Select at least one HY course: 13
Western Civ To 1648
Western Civ Since 1648
Honors West Civ To 1648
Honors West Civ Sc 1648
History of American Civilization to 1865
America Civilization Since 1865
Honors American Civilization to 1865
Honors American Civilization Since 1865
World History to 1500
World History Since 1500
Additional courses:9
Intro To Psychology
Honors Intro Psychology
Life Span Human Development
Honors Lifespan Human Development
Anthropology: The Study of Humanity
Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Discoveries In Archaeology
Principles Human Communication (required for SELA majors)
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
World Regional Geography
People, Places, and Environment
Intro American Politics
Intro To Sociology
Social Problems
Total Hours12

V. General Pre-professional, Major and Elective Course

Courses are appropriate to the degree requirements and major of the individual student. Secondary and P-12 majors (except special education) should select courses appropriate to their majors. Additional, specific courses may be required for the various majors. Students should consult an adviser for requirements in a major.

EDU 200 Orient to Teacher Education is required for all students in education seeking teacher certification.

Educational Psychology Prerequisite Requirement

Introduction to Psychology (PY 101 Intro To Psychology) or Life Span Human Development (HD 101 Life Span Human Development) should be taken as part of area IV requirements.

Foreign Language/Computer Language Requirement

Choose one of the following options:

  • Option 1: Satisfy the foreign language core requirement (FL) of 3-8 hours.
  • Option 2: Satisfy the computer science core requirement (C) of 6 hours.

NOTES: Students should consult an adviser for requirements in a major.

In some majors, additional courses may need to be taken to complete a total of 120 hours or to fulfill prerequisites for the required courses above (variable hours).

Student Responsibility

College of Education students are expected to register for appropriate courses necessary to make reasonable progress toward completing program requirements by the expected date of graduation. Students must familiarize themselves with the requirements contained in this catalog and are expected to make full use of DegreeWorks throughout their programs.

Local Mailing and Email Addresses

Students are expected to maintain mailing addresses and monitor their Crimson e-mail addresses at which communications from the College of Education will, with reasonable certainty, reach them. The University of Alabama utilizes myBama as the official means of recording address information. It is the student’s responsibility to update addresses as needed under the Self-Service tab on myBama.

All students have a Crimson e-mail account created for them when they first enter The University. This is considered the official University of Alabama e-mail address for each student, and it will be used by University departments to disseminate information. This means all communication from The University concerning registration, financial aid, events, notifications, etc., will be sent to the Crimson e-mail exclusively. Students are responsible for checking their Crimson e-mail accounts on a regular basis.

Class Hour Load

The normal class hour load for College of Education students is 15–17 hours per semester. Seniors who need 18 hours during the final semester to complete degree requirements may register for those hours without special permission. In all other cases, each student must have at least a B average to receive permission from the College’s Office of Student Services to register for more than 18 hours. The maximum class hour load with a B average permit is 21 hours. During the summer/Interim session, the maximum load without a B average permit is 17 hours (seven hours per term/three hours during Interim). A student with a B average permit may carry a maximum of 18 hours (nine hours during one summer term, six hours during the other summer term and three hours during Interim term). Additional tuition costs are associated with enrollment greater than 16 credit hours and for summer terms.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to pursue successful completion of all courses for which they are registered, including regular class attendance. The dean may withdraw a student from courses and/or may assign failing grades at any time during a semester when excessive absences have accumulated or when the student is disenrolled from a course.

Academic Bankruptcy

The College of Education observes the general University policies governing academic bankruptcy and also maintains a committee to review all petitions for academic bankruptcy. The petitioning process begins in the College’s Office of Student Services and Certification.

Auditing Courses

With approval from the dean, an education student may audit one course. No tests or final examinations may be taken when a course is audited. An audited course is counted as if it were a credit course in the determination of the class hour load. Normally, an audited course may not be repeated for credit.

Repeating Courses for Higher Grades

With written permission from the dean, education students may repeat certain courses in which a grade of D was received. The dean’s written permission must be filed with the registrar of the College of Education. When the cumulative grade point average is computed, each enrollment in the course will count as hours attempted. However, only the most recent enrollment may count toward degree requirements.

Transfer Between Divisions

Before transferring into the College of Education from another division of The University of Alabama, a student should schedule an appointment with an academic advisor in the College of Education. Students must have a minimum GPA (UA and overall) of 2.0.

Transfer Equivalencies

Professional education courses transferred from other institutions may not be used to meet requirements in a state-approved program of study within the College of Education.

Second Bachelor’s Degree

If a student wishes to earn a second bachelor’s degree in the College of Education, a minimum of 32 semester hours of additional credit must be earned in residence in the College of Education. These 32 hours must be over and above all credit earned for the previous degree. All quantitative and qualitative requirements for the second degree program must be met in full, according to standards in effect on the date of enrollment in the second program. Students seeking a second bachelor's degree must have a transcript evaluation from the Office of Student Services in 104 Carmichael Hall.

Admission to a Teacher Education Program (TEP)

Students must be formally admitted to a TEP. A formal, written application is required for admission to a specific program, and applications are available through the Office of Student Services located at 104 Carmichael Hall. Students who meet the following criteria may apply for admission to the teacher certification program in their area of study. However, meeting the minimum criteria does not guarantee admission to TEP.

  1. A minimum grade point average of 2.50 must be met and maintained for admission. UA and overall GPAs of 2.50 are required. The GPA in the teaching field must remain at least 2.50. In professional studies courses, the GPA must be at least 2.50 with no grade lower than C-. Transfer students must have the required GPA on all coursework taken at this institution as well as overall coursework (UA and transfer work).
  2. EN 101 English Composition I and EN 102 English Composition II or EN 103 Advanced English Composition with credit for EN 101 English Composition I; Students must have a grade of a C- or higher in the coursework.
  3. BEP 305 Educational Psychology or BEF 360 Social Psychol Foundtns Educ or BEP 360 Social Psychol Foundtns Educ; Students must have a grade of a C or higher in the coursework.
  4. Students must have a grade of a C- or higher in an approved public-speaking course.
  5. Students must successfully complete at least 60 semester hours, including at least 41 hours of general studies.
  6. Students must successfully complete the pre-professional lab experience in their field of study with a grade of at least a C-. Students should check with an academic adviser for the specific departmental course with the lab experience.
  7. The Alabama State Department of Education and the College of Education require all students to be fingerprinted and receive background clearance prior to admission to TEP. Fingerprinting will be required during the semester of the pre-professional course, and background clearance must be obtained prior to clinical placements in the schools.
  8. Students must fulfill their departmental writing requirements.
  9. Each candidate for admission must successfully complete an interview with at least two faculty members. Speaking skills and knowledge and abilities based on previous coursework will be among the attributes assessed in the interview. The interview evaluation will become part of the application to a TEP.
  10. Appropriate faculty and administrative signatures are required once all criteria have been met.

Admission to a TEP is competitive and meeting standard criteria does not guarantee admission. Those who meet standard criteria are guaranteed consideration for admission to a teacher preparation program. Admission will be based on evaluations of the applications to identify those applicants who are best qualified and who show strong likelihood of success in their chosen areas. The evaluations will reveal the relative strengths and weaknesses in each applicant's credentials in light of the areas in which the applicant wishes to teach and the applicant's understanding of, and commitment to, teaching as a profession, as well as oral skills, mature judgment and the demeanor necessary to become successful as a teacher. Any applicable test score, or subscore, and grades in previous courses should reflect a strong record in the major area of study.

Internship Requirements

After successfully completing all required coursework, each student is reviewed for placement in an internship. The teaching internship (formerly called student teaching) is one of the most important experiences a College of Education student has. It is generally regarded as the culminating activity of one's preparation to become a teacher. At The University of Alabama, the internship is a full-semester, full-time assignment.

Both undergraduate and nontraditional students must file internship applications with the Office of Clinical Experiences during the semester preceding the semester of the planned internships. The application process begins by attending a mandatory application session, which is held on the first Wednesday in October for spring-semester interns and the first Wednesday in March for fall-semester interns.

A student may apply to enroll for an internship if the following criteria have been met:

  1. The student must have been admitted to the teacher education program or a nontraditional program. Internship applications will not be processed until admission is verified.
  2. The student must have completed all courses in the major or majors prior to the internship or have approval from the faculty adviser and/or Department Chair to intern.
  3. The student must have earned a minimum grade point average of 2.50, both for all University of Alabama courses attempted and for all University of Alabama courses and transfer courses combined.
  4. The student must have earned a minimum grade point average of 2.50 in each major, both for University of Alabama courses in each major and for combined University of Alabama courses and transfer courses in each major.
  5. The student must have earned a minimum grade point average of 2.50 or professional education coursework, with no grade below a C in any professional education coursework.
  6. The student must have completed all methods courses and appropriate professional coursework with grades of C or higher.
  7. The student must have removed from the transcript any grade of incomplete (I) recorded in required courses; grades of incomplete are treated as grades of F.
  8. The student must show mastery of required standards in all courses completed prior to internship, as indicated on the Individualized Standards Assessment Report.
  9. The student must have earned passing scores on the appropriate Praxis subject assessment(s) for the teaching field and, if applicable, Foundations of Reading 190.
  10. Portfolio requirements must be met.

Registration for Internship Credit Hours

Undergraduate students are required to register for the number of internship credit hours specified by their programs. In some programs, an undergraduate student may be allowed to choose a nine-hour registration or a 12-hour registration; course requirements are the same whether nine hours or 12 hours are taken. Students in programs requiring two different internship placements are required to register for two different sections of internship. A student enrolled for an internship must not expect to be enrolled in other courses while interning unless special permission is granted by the department head. If approved, courses must  not be taken during school hours.

Policy on Internship Placements

All internship placements are coordinated by the College of Education Office of Clinical Experiences. A placement site will be selected in a manner to ensure the quality of the internship experience and of the supervision provided by the cooperating teacher. All internship placements (except for music education) are in the greater Tuscaloosa area in order to facilitate supervision of students by University of Alabama faculty or other designee of the department heads. Placement outside the greater Tuscaloosa area is made only if the Office of Clinical Experiences and/or a department head determine(s) that appropriate local placement is unavailable.

A student may apply for an overseas internship if he or she meets certain criteria and if appropriate placement can be coordinated by the Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching (COST) and/or The University of Alabama. Applications for overseas internships are taken during January for placements for the next fall semester and in June for placements the succeeding spring semester. Contact the Office of Clinical Experiences in 101 Autherine Lucy Hall for additional information.

Internship Placements

Internship placements for each candidate are systematically tracked ensuring state requirements are met, which include diverse school settings with diverse student populations. To accommodate this, candidates can expect to be placed up to 50 miles from campus.                  

  • Early Childhood (P-3) interns will receive two internship placements in two of the following age ranges (birth-3 years of age, 3-5 years of age, 5-8 years of age).
  • Elementary education (K–6) interns will receive a placement in lower elementary (grades K-3) and upper elementary (grades 4-6) unless substantial field experiences are required and completed at both levels.
  • Secondary education (6–12) interns with a comprehensive major may receive one or two internship assignments in grades 6-12. If a candidate is seeking certification in two or more distinct teaching fields, an additional internship(s) will be required (unless the internship is defined according to the State-approved program.) If a candidate is seeking certification in two or more related fields, the internship may be divided between the two teaching fields.
  • Special education-Collaborative (K–6 or 6–12) interns will receive a split internship assignment. For candidates seeking certification in BOTH Collaborative K-6 and Collaborative (6-12), the internship shall be divided between early childhood/elementary and middle/secondary grades.
  • Special education-early childhood (P-3) interns will receive split placements in pre-K and K-3 in both general education and special education.
  • MAP (P–6) interns will receive a minimum of four placements covering two semesters: The placements will be P-3 and upper elementary (4-6), and at least two of the following age groups: pre-K through age 3, age 3-5, and age 5-8. Placements will include children with and without identified disabilities.
  • P–12 programs in physical education, foreign language, or music education interns should expect to have a split internship assignment with an elementary and a secondary school.

Professional Licensure (Certification)

The curricula offered by the College of Education are designed to prepare teachers and school administrative and supervisory officials for the appropriate certificates. Students graduating with a bachelor of science degree in education, who have successfully completed a certification program and have met all state educator certification requirements (including testing), are eligible to apply for the Alabama Class B professional educator certificate. The College of Education, in accordance with the regulations of the Alabama State Board of Education, also provides assistance to individuals who need courses for the renewal of a certificate.

The associate dean for student services in the College of Education has been designated the teacher certification officer for the University. Students who need information about or assistance with certification should consult the associate dean for student services.

Students planning to teach outside the state of Alabama are held personally responsible for knowledge of professional licensure requirements in those states.

Alabama Educator Code of Ethics

The Alabama Educator Code of Ethics defines the professional behavior of educators in Alabama and serves as a guide to ethical conduct. The code protects the health, safety and general welfare of students and educators; outlines objective standards of conduct for professional educators; and clearly defines actions of an unethical nature for which disciplinary sanctions are justified.

Application for Certification

All students must complete the proper application form for Alabama certification. Forms are available through the Alabama Department of Education. Applications should be submitted to Student Services in 104 Carmichael Hall. A student who does not apply for professional licensure within 60 months after completing the state-approved program will be required to meet the current program. Students who plan to teach in other states must secure the proper professional licensure application forms from those states' departments of education after obtaining Alabama certification.

Teacher Warranty

According to regulations mandated by the Alabama State Board of Education, the College of Education ensures that "a candidate's competency to begin his or her professional role in schools is assessed prior to completion of the program and/or recommendation for certification" and establishes, publishes and implements "policies to guarantee the success of individuals who complete its approved programs and are employed in their area(s) of specialization." The College of Education provides "remediation at no cost to such individuals who are recommended . . . and are deemed to be unsatisfactory based on performance evaluations established by the State Board of Education and within two years after program completion."

History and Objectives

The University of Alabama has long been concerned with programs for the preparation of public school personnel. In 1844, just 13 years after the University’s establishment, a Normal Department was provided for those who wished to prepare for teaching careers. By 1872, the Normal Department had become the Normal School. By 1899, the trustees had replaced the Normal School with the School of Pedagogy and Psychology, which in 1902 became the School of Philosophy and Education. In 1908, the school was reorganized as the Department of Education; further organizational changes resulted in the name being changed to the School of Education one year later. The present College of Education was established in 1928. Until 1924, the University’s offerings in teacher education were almost entirely limited to undergraduate programs for elementary and high school teachers. Graduate work in school administration was added in 1924, and all programs — undergraduate and graduate — were greatly expanded from 1927–1928. Doctoral programs were authorized in 1951.

The College of Education is the division of The University of Alabama that has the responsibility for administering all professional programs and courses designed for the preparation of teachers and other educational professionals. Experiences in academic programs are devoted to developing individuals’ understanding of knowledge construction, learning, pedagogy and responsible professional practice in the contexts of education. The University of Alabama’s College of Education seeks to prepare professionals who demonstrate and value reflective practice and ethical decision making through respecting diversity, honoring difference and promoting social justice.


  • Joyce Alexander
Senior Associate Dean
  • Joy J. Burnham
Associate Dean and Certification Officer
  • Emily Sims
Associate Dean for Research & Service
  • David Hardy
Paul W. and Mary H. Bryant Endowed Professor of Education
  • Kristine Jolivette
Helen and Pat O'Sullivan Endowed Professor
  • Gregory J. Benner
Fayard Endowed Professor of Early Literacy
  • Amy C. Hutchison
  • Natalie G. Adams
  • Susan Auslander
  • Lucy Barnard-Brak
  • Gregory J. Benner
  • Angela D. Benson
  • Nathaniel James Bray
  • Joy Burnham
  • Julianne Coleman
  • Carol A. Donovan
  • Nirmala Erevelles
  • Michael Esco
  • Carl B. Hancock
  • Peter Hlebowitsh
  • Karri Holley
  • Amy Hutchison
  • Bob Johnson
  • Kristine Jolivette
  • Jennifer L. Jolly
  • Stephen G. Katsinas
  • Joni Lakin
  • Claire Howell Major
  • Miguel Mantero
  • Sara McDaniel
  • Douglas McKnight
  • Robert A. McWilliam
  • N. Kagendo Mutua
  • John E. Petrovic
  • Mark T. Richardson
  • Randall Schumacker
  • Oleg Sinelnikov
  • Nicole Cain Swoszowski
  • David Ian Walker
  • Jonathan Wingo
Associate Professors
  • Becky Atkinson
  • Cory Callahan
  • Ryan Cook
  • Andre R. Denham
  • Michael Fedewa
  • Kelly Guyotte
  • Hyemin Han
  • Brent L. Hardin
  • David Hardy
  • Alison Hooper
  • Latrise Johnson
  • Michael Lawson
  • Junfei Lu
  • Emily Lund
  • Wenchao Ma
  • Hayley MacDonald
  • Ragan McLeod
  • George Mugoya
  • Margaret L. Rice
  • Stephanie Shelton
  • Jonathan Shemwell
  • Firat Soylu
  • Karen Spector
  • Michael Lee Sulkowski
  • Jing Ping Sun
  • Stefanie Wind
  • Jeremy Zelkowski
Assistant Professors
  • Brittany Adams
  • Elroy Aguiar
  • Nigar Altindis
  • Julie K. Bannerman
  • Lori Bruner
  • Chunhua Cao
  • Kevin Crombie
  • KC Culver
  • Shannon Gooden Davidson
  • Marissa Filderman
  • Heather Fye
  • Hee Jung Gong
  • Teresa Granger
  • Heewon Jang
  • Changki Kim
  • Kristen Lamb
  • Joon-Ho Lee
  • Feiya Luo
  • Kaiwen Man
  • Sarah McKellar
  • Jewoong Moon
  • Courtney O'Grady
  • Macarena Suarez Pellicioni
  • Daniel Pimentel
  • June Preast
  • Miguel Casar Rodriguez
  • Shena Sanchez
  • Laurel Snider
  • Jee Kyung Suh
  • Lee Winchester
Clinical Professors
  • Arleene Breaux
  • Melisa Fowler
  • Karl Hamner
  • Brenda Mendiola
Clinical Associate Professors
  • Yvette Bynum
  • Colleen Geary
  • James Hardin
  • Lisa Matherson
  • Kimberly Shaw
  • Emily Sims
  • Margaret Stran
  • Stacy Hughey Surman
  • Elizabeth A. Woodruff
Clinical Assistant Professors
  • William Bergeron
  • Heather Britnell
  • Dominic Combs
  • Amanda Cramer
  • Millie Dawson-Hardy
  • Anthony Derriso
  • Cortney Dilgard
  • Rana Eloubeidi
  • Wenjing Guo
  • Sylvia Hollins
  • Cailin Kerch
  • Kantrele King
  • Laura McNeill
  • Elizabeth Michael
  • Catherine Price
  • Zachary Rightmire
  • Kimberly Tomeny
  • Yurou Wang
  • Benjamin White
  • Amy Williamson
  • Akeisha Young
  • Battogtokh "Togy" Zagdsuren
Clinical Research Assistant Professor
  • Olivia Hester
  • Erica Lee
  • Kimberly Odom
  • Lauren Rollins
  • Sara Sanders
Clinical instructors
  • Lisa Burgess
  • Erin Geiger
  • Russell Greene
  • Melissa Life
  • Sharron Maughn
  • Melissa Webb Walton
  • Diana Winchester
  • Mary K. Agnew
  • Carrel M. Anderson
  • Daisy Arredondo Rucinski
  • Truman D. Baker
  • Margaret B. Balentine
  • Barbara M. Barker
  • Aurelia Barnett
  • Patricia A. Bauch
  • Mary Beirne-Smith
  • Dorothea Grace Bishop
  • Phillip Bishop
  • Karla Carmichael
  • Sheryl Cohen
  • Robert Edward Comas
  • Helen R. Connor
  • William D. Crump
  • C.J. Daane
  • Dave Dagley
  • John P. Dolly
  • Jill Driver
  • Ben F. Eller
  • Edwin S. Ellis
  • Charles R. Estes
  • Ronald L. Evelsizer
  • Patrick Ferguson
  • Lanny R. Gamble
  • Judy Giesen
  • M. Jenice Goldston
  • Sr. Madeleine Gregg
  • Robert E. Griffin
  • Patti Harrison
  • David W. Head
  • Rick Houser
  • Janie Hubbard
  • Margaret King
  • Marvin Latimer, Jr.
  • Sam Leles
  • Faye P. McCollister
  • James E. McLean
  • James K. McNutt
  • Jane Newman
  • Rose Mary Newton
  • W. Ross Palmer
  • Bruce A. Peseau
  • Carol Prickett
  • Richard Rice
  • Barbara Starnes Rountree
  • Inez Rovegno
  • Jamie Satcher
  • Carol Schlichter
  • Diane Sekeres
  • James Siders
  • Ronnie Stanford
  • Cynthia S. Sunal
  • Dennis W. Sunal
  • C. John Tarter
  • Stephen Thoma
  • Stephen Tomlinson
  • Wayne Urban
  • David J. Vold
  • Archie Lee Wade
  • Philip T. Westbrook
  • Raymond Carl Westerfield
  • Kathy S. Wetzel
  • Allen Wilcoxon
  • Vivian H. Wright