The Final Exam Schedule 

  • Final examinations are held at the end of each term. The final examination schedule may be found on the Academic Calendar.
  • Additional announced tests may be administered in a class during each term. At the beginning of each semester, the student should review the published final examination schedules and consult with his or her professors about examination requirements as well as the dates and times of final examinations.
  • Deferred examinations are administered at the beginning of each term for the purpose of removing grades of "I." A schedule of deferred examinations is posted well in advance of the beginning of the semester. 

How to Read the Final Exam Schedule 

  • The date and time of the final examination is determined by the meeting pattern of the class section in question. The final exam periods encompass standard class meeting patterns.
  • For classes with meeting patterns that do not directly align with the final examination schedule, the date and time of the final examination is determined by the first day of the week that the class in question meets and by the start time.  For example, a class that meets on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. would have a final exam scheduled for the time slot that reads: “Classes which first meet TR between 3:30 p.m. – 4:55 p.m.”
  • “First meet” is defined as the first day reflected in the class meeting pattern and not necessarily the first day of the semester in which the class takes place. For example, a class that meets MW 3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. would first meet on Monday even though the semester may begin on a Wednesday.

Petitioning to Reschedule a Final Exam 

  • Students may petition to reschedule exams if the following circumstances occur:
    • A student has three or more exams scheduled on the same day.
    • A student has two exams scheduled at the same time.
  • Students wishing to reschedule final exams due to one of the reasons above must submit to their professor(s) documentation of their schedule conflict.  Students should consult with their college student services office and/or Dean’s office if they have any difficulty rescheduling exams due to one of the scenarios outlined above.

The Provisional Exam Period may be used to reschedule final exams for students who have exam conflicts or three or more final exams scheduled on Monday-Wednesday of Final Exam Week. Exams should be rescheduled according to the appropriate priority as outlined below.

Rescheduling Priority 

  1. Exams for lower level classes have priority. For example, a 100-level course has higher priority than a 300-level course. The student should petition the 300-level course instructor for rescheduling.
  2. If the exams involve classes at the same level (for example, three or more 200-level classes on the same day), the exam scheduled at the earliest time takes priority.