400-​Level Courses for Master's Credit

Courses numbered 400-499 are primarily for advanced undergraduate students. Under no circumstances will coursework below the 400 level be accepted for graduate credit. Read more.

Academic Misconduct

All acts of dishonesty in any work constitute academic misconduct. This includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication of information, misrepresentation, and abetting any of the above. Read more.

Admission Criteria

Each application is considered in the context of other applications to the same area, with due consideration given to the availability of space, the need to maintain a pool of students of superior potential, and other goals of the program. Read more.


Application may be made to only two programs at a time, and at no time may a student be enrolled in more than two programs. Read more.

Course-​Numbering System

All courses taken for graduate level credit must be taught by a member of the Graduate Faculty. Read more.

Degree Requirements

Each student must assume full responsibility for understanding both the general and special requirements of the division and department in which the student pursues his or her major work. Read more.

Grades and Academic Standing

Many departments and programs produce manuals, procedures, and policy guides, graduate student handbooks, and other publications for their students and faculty in graduate programs. Read more.

Joint, Cooperative and Shared Graduate Programs

The University of Alabama, the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville have agreed to the establishment of several joint, cooperative, and shared graduate programs. Read more.

Records Maintenance and Disposition

The policy statement is available upon request in the Office of Academic Records and University Registrar and is published in the class schedule each fall semester. Read more.

Registration and Assistantships

Any graduate student using the assistance of a faculty member or any facility of The University of Alabama in relation to a degree program must be registered in an appropriate course reflecting that activity. Read more.

Taking Graduate Classes Prior to Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree

Seniors interested in taking graduate level credit can do so under specific criteria and approvals. Read more.

Withdrawals and Leave of Absence

A graduate student who desires to withdraw from a course may do so, with the approval of the student's advisor or department head, during the period allowed for dropping a class. Read more.