The University of Alabama expects all students who enroll to make progress toward the completion of degree requirements. The University reviews each student’s academic record at the end of term of enrollment (fall, spring, and summer) to determine academic status. The following academic standards for continued enrollment at The University of Alabama apply to all students as they progress toward graduation.

Scholastic Progress Standard

In order to monitor students' progress toward the baccalaureate or undergraduate degree and determine academic status, The University of Alabama employs the Scholastic Progress Standard (SPS). The SPS sets the minimum required cumulative University of Alabama (institutional) grade point average (GPA), which is calculated based only on credit hours earned at The University of Alabama, for freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior students. For example, applying the SPS formula set forth below, a student who has earned 75 overall credit hours (50 UA credit hours and 25 transfer credit hours) is classified as a junior, which means the student must have a cumulative UA GPA—based only on the 50 credit hours earned at UA—of 1.90 or higher to satisfy SPS. Students are advised that these are minimum GPA requirements for continuing at the University; to meet divisional graduation requirements, higher GPAs may be needed.

University of Alabama GPAs are computed on the following grades: "A," "B," "C," "D," "F," or "I" and any pluses or minuses that appear on the record. In computing a GPA, an "I" counts as an "F" until replaced by the earned grade. A grade of "NC," "P," or "W" does not enter into the computation.

Overall Credit Hours Earned* Required Cumulative University of Alabama GPA**
0-30 (freshman) 1.50
31-60 (sophomore) 1.70
61-90 (junior) 1.90
91 or more (senior) 2.00

Academic Status

Academic status at The University of Alabama is determined at the end of each term of enrollment (fall, spring, and summer) on the basis of The University of Alabama cumulative GPA and number of overall credit hours earned (Scholastic Progress Standard). Academic status governs a student’s enrollment status and governs any condition(s) associated with re-enrollment or eligibility for enrollment.

There are four categories of academic status at The University of Alabama: good standing, academic warning, one-term suspension, and indefinite suspension.

Good Standing - Students will be in good standing, and continue in good standing, when their University of Alabama cumulative GPA is 2.00 or higher. 

Academic Warning - Students will be placed on academic warning if their cumulative GPA at UA falls below 2.0 but a student’s status is within the appropriate Scholastic Progress Standard (SPS) parameters (for example, a student with 45 overall credit hours earned with a 1.90 cumulative GPA at UA will be placed on academic warning).

The purpose of academic warning is to alert students to improve their academic performance and encourage their use of available appropriate academic support.

Students placed on academic warning must meet with their current divisional academic advisor(s) within the time period specified by the student’s college or school. 

Academic warning does not restrict students' ability to register at UA but does govern a requirement to be advised.

One-Term Academic Suspension – Students previously placed on Academic Warning (UA GPA of less than 2.00) who do not earn the required minimum University of Alabama cumulative GPA based on Scholastic Progress Standard will be placed on one-term academic suspension. No student may be placed on academic suspension who has not spent the prior term of enrollment on Academic Warning. Students placed on one-term academic suspension will be on academic leave during the next major term (fall or spring). However, students placed on One-Term Academic Suspension at the conclusion of the spring term may opt to enroll in summer courses, as detailed below (see Summer Enrollment Option section).

The one-term academic suspension will be marked on the student’s permanent academic transcript. After students sit out for one major semester (fall or spring) they will automatically be eligible for enrollment for the next term. Students returning from a one-term academic suspension must meet with their current divisional academic advisor(s) within the time period specified by the student’s college or school. 

Individual colleges and programs may set academic continuation parameters for their specific programs. 

Indefinite Academic Suspension - Students will be placed on indefinite academic suspension if they fall below the required minimum University of Alabama cumulative GPA designated by the Scholastic Progress Standard after being reinstated from the one-term academic suspension. No student may be placed on indefinite academic suspension who has not previously been on one-term academic suspension. A student on indefinite academic suspension will be on academic leave for an indefinite period of time but a minimum of one academic year. Following the minimum academic leave, permission to return to UA may be reviewed by the college or school designee where the student was previously enrolled.

Individual colleges and programs may set academic continuation parameters for their specific programs.

Summer Enrollment Option

Students placed on one-term suspension at the conclusion of the most recent spring semester are eligible to enroll in summer courses at The University of Alabama during the summer term immediately following their suspension. If students earn grades sufficient to lift their required minimum UA cumulative GPA to or above the appropriate level set by the Scholastic Progress Standard during the summer term after being placed on one-term academic suspension, students will earn reinstatement for the fall term. 

Appeal of Suspension Status

A petition to waive the academic rules related to academic suspension will not normally be considered until the student has been absent from The University of Alabama for the designated time period (one major term, i.e. fall or spring semester) for a one-term suspension and one academic year (both fall and spring) for an indefinite suspension. Students may be reinstated only upon the approval of the college or school in which they were last enrolled. A favorable decision by the college or school designee is unlikely without academic leave from the University.

Returning After Indefinite Suspension

After the required minimum academic leave of one year, students may re-enter The University of Alabama after a favorable action by the school or college designee in which the student was last enrolled. After being absent from UA for one academic year (both fall and spring), students must appeal to the school or college for reinstatement at least 30 days prior to the term in which they wish to enroll. It is strongly recommended that students meet with an academic advisor to develop a plan for returning from suspension before they appeal to return.


A student who has been absent from The University of Alabama for one year or more must apply for readmission to UA in addition to appealing to the school or college for reinstatement. The opportunity to seek readmission is merely that: a student has no right to readmission and has no reasonable expectation of a right to readmission or re-enrollment. All students seeking readmission are subject to relevant eligibility criteria, rules, and regulations associated with admission/readmission that are applicable at the time the student seeks readmission.