Students selecting a hospitality management career generally thrive in an environment of assistance to others, personal accountability, and nontraditional work hours. The industry is ideal for individuals who are interested in customer service, travel, and seeking opportunities for quick advancement within an organization. Ability to work with diverse personalities, solve conflicts, and provide innovative leadership are key to a graduate’s success. 

Office location: 470 Russell Hall

The Hospitality Management curriculum offers a variety of courses designed to develop the skills and abilities required for a management career in the hospitality industry. The curriculum prepares students for a career in restaurant, commercial, and institutional food-service operations, hotel and lodging management, sport operations, convention, meetings, event marketing and event management.

Students must complete a pre-approved internship in a hospitality organization. This work experience will advance students' expertise and allow them to gain insight within a hospitality organization. Students select a concentration in one of the following:

  • Restaurant/Food and Beverage Management

  • Hotel/Lodging

  • Event and Entertainment

  • Sport, Entertainment and Event Management

The Hospitality Management curriculum is designed for students to earn a number of certificates/certifications throughout the program.  Students may complete requirements for the Manage First Professional (MFP) certification available from the Educational Foundation of the National Restaurant Association,  the Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics (CHIA) available from the Educational Institute of the American Hotel and Lodging Association, Social Tables Event Professional Program (CSTEP), and the Cvent student certification. Completion of these certifications increase student’s marketability in the job market.

The hospitality management major is offered through the traditional on-campus setting (all concentrations) or via distance education with no concentration.  Students who have completed 90 hours of undergraduate work with an overall 3.7 institutional GPA  are eligible to apply to the Accelerated Master's Program (AMP).  If accepted, then up to 12 graduate credit hours of the 30 hour master's program could be taken as cross-listed courses or would substitute for required undergraduate coursework while finishing the undergraduate degree.  Any coursework taken in this manner would apply towards both the undergraduate degree and a master's degree at The University of Alabama.

Campus Education Hospitality Management Curriculum

Students must file a plan of study for their concentration with the department office within the first semester of the sophomore year.  The plan of study must be approved by the student’s academic advisor. Students choosing a concentration in restaurant/food and beverage, hotel/lodging, meetings/event, or sport/entertainment  must take the required classes mandated by their chosen concentration. 

Distance Education Hospitality Management Program

Students completing the Hospitality Management program via distance education must complete the Hospitality Management Core Courses and additional courses to meet the 120 hours requirement. The student's academic advisor will assist in selecting appropriate online courses to fulfill academic requirements. Students may fulfill degree requirements for the Hospitality Management major entirely online.