Department of Consumer Sciences

The Department of Consumer Sciences prepares students for leadership roles in business, government, and non-profit settings.  Students in this major have interests in personal finance, consumer behavior, marketing, public policy, consumer engagement, conflict resolution, and related fields that require the expertise of professionals who understand the role consumers play in today’s markets. Students who successfully complete required coursework may be eligible to sit for two professional certifications: The Accredited Financial Counselor® (AFC) exam offered by the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education®, and the CFP® certification exam that leads to the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification registered with the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.

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In the Department of Consumer Sciences, students learn how to help people thrive in the environments in which we all live and work. The core Consumer Sciences coursework provides a foundation for understanding consumers in both face-to-face and online settings. Elective courses help students deepen their understanding of effective consumer communication strategies, improve their own finances and the financial capabilities of others, and master leadership and conflict resolution principles that will benefit them in home, community, and market environments.  Although a concentration is not required, two concentration areas are available for majors who wish to focus on a particular area within Consumer Sciences: Family Financial Planning and Counseling, or Consumer Affairs. 


  • Usdan, Stuart
  • Nielsen, Robert
  • Nielsen, Robert
Associate professors
  • Choi, Shinae
  • Kim, Kyoung Tae
  • Wilmarth, Melissa
Assistant professors
  • Chen, Pan-Ju
  • Humber, Jennifer
  • L'Esperance, Madelaine
  • McGahey, Courtney L.
  • McMath, Juanita
  • Pentecost, Eve
  • Stebbins, Richard
  • Creel, Lauren
Adjunct assistant professors
  • Becker, Luke
  • Brown, Tasha
  • Gaines, Bobby
  • Salazar, Amy
  • Tate, Adam
  • Zettler, Laura
Adjunct instructors
  • Baggett, Amy
  • Bradshaw, David
  • Cole, Scott
  • Fannin, Andrea
  • Hairston, Jennifer
  • Swindle, Kimberly
  • Williams, Christopher
Professor Emerita
  • Abdel-Ghany, Mohamed
  • Boschung, Milla
  • Price, Barrie Jo
Assistant professors emeritae
  • Fulmer, Caroline


Introduction to Digital Tools

Students are expected to demonstrate basic proficiency in the word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet tools as well as other emerging productivity tool sets. Specific emphasis is placed on introducing skills and uses related to data storage applications, basic technology privacy and security issues, mobile device applications, social media, communications technology, and work-place applications. Students exit this class with a basic introduction to each topic and other emerging topics deemed relevant for today’s digital citizens, consumers, and professionals.

You and Your Money

This introduction to personal finance is ideal for freshmen and sophomores who are building financial capability. Personal budgeting and money management strategies, the responsible use of credit, automobile and home decisions faced by emerging adults, saving for near and distant goals, and fundamentals of investing are covered. Discussions incorporate current and historical social, economic, and political developments that influence today's consumers.

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