Department of Economics, Finance, and Legal Studies

Business affects every part of our world. The Department of Economics and Finance and Legal Studies gives you the knowledge and experience needed to become a leader in most areas of business and make a positive impact on today’s challenging economic and social issues.  

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Professor Laura Razzolini, Department Head
Office: 200 Alston Hall

The Department of Economics, Finance and Legal Studies, with its rigorous curriculum, offers high quality undergraduate and graduate programs in economics and finance, designed to provide a strong foundation for a career in public policy, applied economics, international economics, risk management, corporate finance, investing, financial planning, actuarial science and real estate.  Additionally, students will be prepared for further studies in graduate or law school, as well as for obtaining a license or certification in their industry of choice.    



Chair and Professor
  • Laura Razzolini
John Mary Louise Loftis Bickley Endowed Teaching Chair of Insurance Financial Services
  • Karen Epermanis
  • Anup Argawal
  • Douglas Cook
  • Cary Deck
  • Bob Hammond
  • Daniel Henderson
  • Byung-Cheol Kim
  • Junsoo Lee
  • Robert Mcleod
  • Tigran Melkonyan
  • Sandra Mortal
  • Paul Pecorino
  • Michael Price
  • Robert Reed
  • George Zanjani
Associate Professor
  • Peter Brummund
  • Gregory Givens
  • Jonathan Hall
  • Paan Jindapon
  • Lei Kong
  • Martin Liu
  • Joshua Pierce
  • Sugata Ray
  • Amanda Ross
  • Mark Schneider
  • Alan Tidwell
Assistant Professor
  • Alecia Cassidy
  • Travis Cassidy
  • Tony Fan
  • Soroush Ghazi
  • Erik Johnson
  • Kyle Lee
  • Tian Qiu
  • Parth Venkat
  • Kenny Wunder
  • Charlye Adams
  • Glenn Baigent
  • Ruth Ann Hall
  • Abigail Hammond
  • John Heins
  • Victoria Javine
  • Jackson Mills
  • Marie Hossain Sochi
  • Benny Waller
  • Will Walsh
  • Chris Whaley
  • Tao-Chen Yeh
  • Kent Zirlott
Departmental Advisor
  • Dixie Hamner


Principles of Microeconomics

Introduction to microeconomic analysis concentrating on consumer and producer behavior, competitive and imperfect markets, public policy and regulation, and income distribution.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 100 or MATH 110 or MATH 112 or MATH 113 or MATH 115 or MATH 121 or MATH 125 or MATH 126 or MATH 145 or MATH 146; or UA Math Placement of 310 or higher, ACT Math subscore of 24 or higher, (New) SAT Math subscore of 580 or higher, (Old) SAT Math subscore of 560 or higher.
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Intro Financial Inst. & Mkts

Overview of the financial systems in which business operates, with emphasis on financial institutions, instruments, and markets.

Prerequisite(s): (EN 101 or EN 120) and (EN 102 or EN 121 or EN 103 or EN 104) and (MATH 121 or MATH 125 or MATH 145) and (EC 110 or EC 112) and (EC 111 or EC 113) and (AC 210 or AC 211) and (LGS 200 or LGS 201) and ST 260 and MIS 200 and GBA 146 and GBA 246
Legal Environment of Business

Environmental approach to the study of law, including the way the law interrelates, philosophy of law, and sources of law. The relationship among law, business, political influences, and the society is treated. Students are limited to three attempts for this course, excluding withdrawals.

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