Music Education Courses
Investigation of the purposes and functions of music education from antiquity to the present. Philosophical foundations and a chronological survey of historical issues related to the inclusion of music in general education will also be discussed.
This course examines curricular approaches and contemporary practices in general music education. Students explore important questions about the purposes and characteristics of general music programs and how those programs meet the needs of diverse learners and communities. Students develop critical and reflective understandings of general music education within the context of current challenges and opportunities facing the field.
Organization, rehearsal, programming and performance of choral groups.
Organization, rehearsal, programming and performance of instrumental groups.
Analysis of music curricula and study of the development process.
This course will address various techniques into the history and aesthetics of music education.
The design, proposal, implementation, evaluation, and reporting of a curriculum project or an improved instructional procedure in music. Independent study.
Introduction to research study in music education.
Introduction designed to prepare student for the application of scholarly thinking to topics in the areas of music psychology, teacher training, and music education.
Fundamentals of marching, maneuvering, and preparation and presentation of formations.
Part-time supervised teaching experience in secondary instrumental music education. Four-twelve hours weekly for 14 weeks in Tuscaloosa area public schools.
Study of special topics in music education.
Supervised teaching experience in the area of specialization (instrumental or vocal and elementary), from nursery school through grade 12.
No description available.
No description available.
Examination required prior to completion of no more than six hours of study for admission to a Ph.D. program in music education.
The design, proposal, implementation, evaluation, and reporting of a curriculum project or an improved instructional procedure in music. Independent study.
The design, implementation and reporting of research studies that illustrate a variety of methodological and statistical plans for research in music education.
No description available.
No description available.